- February 17, 2017
- Posted by: Amy
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Author: amycr
Created by midPoint
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The Key Learning Community is for students who desire to participate in the Key Communities, have a University Housing exemption, or would like to live in any residence hall on-campus.
Students who participate in the Key Learning community experience will:
Key Residential Learning Community
The Key Residential Learning Community provides students from a variety of majors, interdisciplinary seminar options, while also providing major specific seminar options for students in the College of Engineering, and College of Business.
Students who participate in the Key Residential Learning Community will:
The Key/Honors community is for students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher who are interested in participating in both Key Communities and Honors. Key/Honors students will reside in Braiden Hall. View the Honors website to learn more about the Honors experience at CSU.
Students who participate in both Key & Honors will:
The Key Community at the CSU Spur campus Denver is a learning community for first-year students designed to honor the strengths of each student enrolled in the CSU Spur Start program. CSU Spur Start is a first-year program, providing Denver metro students the opportunity to live at home while completing their first year of CSU classes before moving to Fort Collins in year 2.
Students who participate in the Key Community at the CSU Spur campus Denver will:
Rachel Taylor
Manager – Key Plus
Student Success
CSU Stadium East, room 0213
(970) 491-7095
Litzy Duque
Recruitment and Outreach Manager – Key Communities
Student Success
CSU Stadium East, room 0215
(970) 491-2366 or (970) 491-7095
Izana Taye
Operations Coordinator – Key Communities, Learning Communities
Student Success
CSU Stadium East, room 0207
(970) 491-5250 or (970) 491-7095
Anna Marie Almanza
Recruitment and Outreach Coordinator
Student Success
CSU Stadium East, room 212
(970) 491-2366 or (970) 491-7095
Ahjina Hopkins
Coordinator, Key Communities
Student Success
CSU Stadium East, room 213
(970) 491-2243 or (970) 491-7095
Jenny Wysocky
Assistant Director, Key Communities
Coordinator, Key Culture, Communication, and Sport
Student Success
CSU Stadium East, room 208
(970) 491-6749 or (970) 491-7095
Key Culture, Communication and Sport
The Key Culture, Communication and Sport Community is open to NCAA student athletes. Students will connect with student athletes across many CSU NCAA athletic teams. The Key CCS program supports community building and connections across athletics and with the broader campus community. If you have interest in participating in Key CCS and are an NCAA student athlete, complete the Submission of Interest form for the Key Learning Community.
Students who participate in the Key Culture, Communication, & Sport Community will:
The Key Communities will be offering a fully virtual Key experience for the 2021-2022 academic year. The Key Virtual experience is for students who desire to participate in a fully virtual learning community. The virtual experience focuses on concepts of diversity and equity. Students will work cooperatively to experientially understand aspects of diversity.
Students who participate in the virtual Key experience will:
Live on or off-campus (with approved Housing exemption).
The Key Health Professions Community engages students who are interested in pursuing Human or Animal Health professions.
Students who participate in the Key Health Professions Community will:
Key Health Professions courses options include: Bridging the Biology and Chemistry Gulf (Key Seminar), Biology, Chemistry, Math, Psychology and Sociology (All University Core Curriculum courses).
* COVID impacts and unknowns may modify designated housing for Learning Communities as University Housing continues to follow the direction of the university and local health officials to determine the best way to move forward with assignments. If we are unable to assign you to the Learning Community’s designated hall, you will still be able to participate in the community, and we will work closely with our University Housing partners in supporting the residential experience of students within their assigned hall.
The Key Explore Community is a first-year residential learning community located Braiden Hall serving Undeclared students as they transition into their first year at CSU. The Key Explore Community focuses on self-exploration and student leadership. Within the Key Explore Community, we have designated spaces for declared students who are interested in exploring.
Key Explore courses options include: Create Your Story (Key Seminar Required).
Students who participate in the Key Explore Community will:
Key Explore courses options include: Create Your Story (Key Seminar Required).
* COVID impacts and unknowns may modify designated housing for Learning Communities as University Housing continues to follow the direction of the university and local health officials to determine the best way to move forward with assignments. If we are unable to assign you to the Learning Community’s designated hall, you will still be able to participate in the community, and we will work closely with our University Housing partners in supporting the residential experience of students within their assigned hall.
The Key Civic Community is a first-year residential learning community located in Braiden Hall serving students from a variety of majors as they transition into their first year at CSU. The Key Civic community focuses on student leadership and civic engagement through service activities, engagement with the Fort Collins and CSU community, and discussions relating to societal issues, both locally and globally.
Students who participate in the Key Civic Community will:
Key Civic seminar topics include: 1) CityworksEDU: Campus, City, and Civic Engagement; 2) America’s Sacred Ground: Multifaith and Belief Engagement; 3) Ethics of Global Poverty; 4) Education and Diversity; 5) Global Identity and Action; 6) Politics of Equity
* COVID impacts and unknowns may modify designated housing for Learning Communities as University Housing continues to follow the direction of the university and local health officials to determine the best way to move forward with assignments. If we are unable to assign you to the Learning Community’s designated hall, you will still be able to participate in the community, and we will work closely with our University Housing partners in supporting the residential experience of students within their assigned hall.
The Key Academic Community engages students in weekly one hour mentor-led modules focusing on academic excellence, service engagement, leadership development, and diversity awareness. The Key Academic Community provide students from a variety of majors interdisciplinary seminar options, while also providing major specific seminar options for students in the College of Engineering, College of Business, and College of Agricultural Sciences.
Students who participate in the Key Academic Community will:
Key Academic seminar topics include: 1) Who Am I? Discovering Our Stories; 2) Rebels, Outcasts, and Society; 3) The Faces of Evil in Literature & Creative Writing; 4)Design Thinking: Invitation to Innovate; 5) Whose Story; 6) Discover, Reflect, Xplore: Socialization & Superpowers; 7) Engineering (open to Engineering majors only); 8) Business (Open to Business majors only); and 9) Agricultural Sciences (open to Agricultural Sciences majors only).
* COVID impacts and unknowns may modify designated housing for Learning Communities as University Housing continues to follow the direction of the university and local health officials to determine the best way to move forward with assignments. If we are unable to assign you to the Learning Community’s designated hall, you will still be able to participate in the community, and we will work closely with our University Housing partners in supporting the residential experience of students within their assigned hall.
Key Plus is an academically focused learning community that works closely with students to develop strong leadership and career decision-making skills. Key Plus is an optional second year and continuing student program for students who are or have participated in the Key Communities or Community for Excellence program.
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